Before continuing on with the instructions, download both the Extensions Extractor & Extensions Zip.
Chrome Extensions Fix Instructions
Click to Download Extensions Extractor
Click to Download Extensions Zip
Now that you have both files downloaded, navigate to your Downloads folder by opening up your File Explorer. You can find this icon on your Windows Taskbar located at the bottom of your screen.
In your Downloads Folder you should see a “Extension_Extractor” and “”, double click the Extension_Extractor file to run it. You will see lines of text appear as the extractor runs, and the last line should read “Completed Successfully”. You can now close the window.
NOTE: If the window only reads “the specified zip file “” does not exist”, check to be sure you have downloaded Extensions Zip into the same folder as the Extensions_Extractor.
Now open up Google Chrome either through your desktop or the “internet” button in Eyeworld. Navigate to the Extensions by clicking the puzzle piece icon on the top right of Chrome, then click “Manage Extensions”.
Now that you are in the Extensions Tab, ensure Developer Mode is toggled on which should be located at the top right.
You should see these three options available to click in the Extensions Tab, click on “Load Unpacked”.
A File Explorer window should pop up and in the address bar you can copy & paste this path “C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eyegaze” or manually navigate to it yourself. You should see an “Auto Scroll” & “Mouseless Browser” folder. Press the “Auto Scroll” folder once and then press “Select Folder” on the bottom right of the window. Repeat the same step for the “Mouseless Browser” folder.
Your Eyegaze Chrome Extensions should be working now!