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We are passionate about providing the best of eye-tracking hardware and software communication solutions.

Communication Device

The Eyegaze Edge®

The world’s most advanced eye-driven tablet communication system.

Software and Accessories


Our flagship software for accessing computer functionality and communication.

UIRT Environmental Control

Use the Eyegaze Edge® to control lights, locks, temperature, and more.

Computer Access Eyegaze Edge® Links

Connect to and use regular Windows and Mac devices with Eyegaze®.

Eyegaze Edge® Endurance Pack

Extra-long battery life for users on the go.

Mounting Options

Articulating Adjustable Arm Table Mount ↓

Wheelchair Mount ↓

Rolling Floor Stand Mount ↓

Table Clamp ↓

Easy to use, accurate, and trustworthy

Learn why the Eyegaze Edge® is the eye-tracking device of choice