When I set up the Eyegaze Edge in front of any individual, I point the eye tracker and focus it on their eyes. Then I sit back and let the Eyegaze software automatically calibrate the patient. What do we mean by automatic calibration?
Eyegaze has designed a calibration process that is truly unique, and is designed to respond to human eye physiology
It’s immediate: We know that the human eye will reflexively follow a moving target, so Eyegaze paired this with an auditory cue to shift attention to task with minimal language cues. Calibration immediately begins with the eyes’ natural reflexes.
It’s automatic: Our calibration automatically re-cycles through the weakest gaze points in order to provide the most mathematically robust entryway to communication.
It’s rapid: With an immediate start and mathematically-driven progression, calibration is quick at 15 seconds!
It’s data-rich: Once calibration is complete, the evaluator and user are given numeric and visual plot points to understand where eye gaze access will be the best and worst on the screen. Knowing exactly what is going on across the entire visual field is especially valuable in complex cases.
It’s customizable: Once visual and mathematical data are collected during calibration, evaluators can change calibration settings to quickly increase an individual’s calibration accuracy, resulting in superior accuracy on keyboards and other screens! They can change the number and location of calibration targets, as well as size, color, and animation features.
It gives evaluators live visual feedback: Use the on-screen, live eye images to guide you to success! Each image contains hallmarks that let you know when your positioning, focus and distance is ideal for the best experience. With this image, you can detect dry eyes, glare, and other obstructions that may be getting in the way.
All together, these features in our calibration program quickly lead individuals to have a successful, effortless and responsive eye gaze experience.