Have you ever had a conversation that changed your life?
I did on a hot June day in Washington DC.
A simple conversation with a stranger changed my life. In candid moments, we learn to see our common humanity and desire to express ourselves.
I was standing at a street booth at the Capital Pride Festival when I met Kelly and her girlfriend. As we began talking, we quickly discovered that while our backgrounds were vastly different, we had a common bedrock belief. As our conversation got deeper, we asked, “What does it mean to have pride?” Together we agreed:
Pride is the ability to speak for myself, be myself freely and let others have the same experience.
Not only do we celebrate Pride every June with our LGBTQIA+ colleagues, friends and family, we recognize that the ability to express ourselves freely–communication with others–is the essence of the human experience. Whether that expression be advocacy for belonging and protection in society, or self- expression to be in familial relationships at home for every individual.
Supporting our communities
At Eyegaze Inc., each one of our employees and business associates brings something unique to our collective culture. Diversity is not something we mark off of a checklist—it’s something we celebrate! Likewise, we serve a wide group of families with diverse communication needs. Our mission to restore communication and self-expression allows others to build relationships and have pride in all aspects of life!
Dixon Cleveland, CTO, placing a welcome sign in solidarity with our neighbors, The Adams Fairfax Muslim Community Center and the Fairfax Metropolitan Community Church, which provides community support to the LGBTQIA+ community
Speaking Freely at Deeply Personal Levels
In 2018, I remember delivering an Eyegaze Edge to a woman diagnosed with ALS who had been silent for over ten years! The introduction of Eyegaze technology into her daily routine significantly improved her life. She began directing her own medical care once again. She rekindled lost relationships by emailing cousins from her home country, Columbia. But most importantly, she began communicating with her spouse at a deeply personal level and had the means of self-expression. She once again had life-changing communication.
As we celebrate Pride month this June in solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ friends and families, our hope is that the world will become a more connected and fulfilling place for all people. Happy Pride 2020!