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How to Innovate with LC Technologies’ Eyegaze API

How to Innovate with LC Technologies’ Eyegaze API

LC Technologies has been on the forefront of eye tracking technology for years. We’ve developed assistive technologies to enhance the lives of people living with disabilities. We’ve also created products that help companies research and understand the real-life web...

How Will Google Really Use Its Eye Tracking Glasses?

Google Glass may seem like expensive eyewear from the future to most of us, but Google’s latest technical wonder is quickly gaining ground. No longer the stuff of science fiction, Glass allows users to implement technology freely, almost as an extension of oneself....
Medicare Changes Threaten Access to Assistive Technologies

Medicare Changes Threaten Access to Assistive Technologies

Thanks to the Ice Bucket Challenge campaign’s viral popularity, awareness and donations for ALS have seen a surge that has greatly benefitted those who are living with this disease. However, there is a new ALS issue which isn’t likely to go viral, but it will...